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The NSFC-RFBR Seminar on Debris Flow held in Dujiangyan city TEXT SIZE: A A A

The NSFC-RFBR Seminar on Debris Flow Movement Behavior、Numerical Simulation and Hazard Assessment , supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research(RFBR), was successfully held in Dujiangyan City, SichuanProvince from 20th to 22nd November,2012. It was hosted by the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS (IMHE) and Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University (MSU). More than 30 scientists from MSU、Russian Academy of Sciences(RAS)、Water Industry and Land Reclamation Engineering Design Institute of North Caucasus、Nallchique earth dynamic monitoring research center、IMHE、Qinghua University、Wuhan university、Institute of Mechanics, CAS、Southwest University of Science andTechnology, participated in this seminar.

Professor You Yong and Professor Dmitry Petrakov delivered the welcome address and opening address on behalf of IMHE and MSU, respectively. Professor Sergey Chernomorents concluded achievements of the collaboration on debris flow research between China and Russia from 2008 to 2012 and expected further communication and cooperation with each other in the future.

Six Russian Scientists gave their reports on the conference, respectively, which related about debris flow initiation and movement model, hazard assessment on glacier debris flow and lahar, simulation of debris flow and flood burst and et al. Chinese scientists shared their up-to date research about the new measurements of debris flow parameters, new counter measures to debris flow, the forecast technology of debris flow, initiation mechanics of landslide and debris and et al. Both representatives communicated with each other friendly and discussed the topics they interested in enthusiasticly during the conference.

During the conference, Dr. Eduard Zaporozhchenko and Dr. Sergey Chernomorets, the Vice chairman and secretary of Russian Debris flow Association, awarded Professor Wei Fangqiang from IMHE the Fleishman Medal and gave the monuments of 100th anniversary of S.M. Fleishman to him, for his outstanding achievements and inventions on debris flow science and development of Chinese-Russian collaboration in debris flow field. Professor Wei Fangqiang is the first foreign scientist so far, who was awarded Fleishman Medal in the world.

After the conference, participants took a field trip to Wenchuan earthquake areas on 22nd, November, to investigate the distribution of debris flow hazards、mitigation measures and recovery works of these areas.

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