Topic:The Interaction of Dairy Production with the Environment in Ireland
Speaker:Prof. Nicholas M. Holden, from University College Dublin
Time:9:30am September.5, 2013
Venue:The 7th floor Meeting Room, IMHE
The Interaction of Dairy Production with the Environment in Ireland
1) Background to Ireland- soils, grasslands and dairy systems
2) Visual soil structure assessment
3) Pollution from Irish dairy systems
4) LCA of dairy systems (carbon footprint)
Brief introduction to the speaker:
Prof. Holden is a associate professor of Institute of Food and Health, UCD. His research interests focus on Agricultural Systems, Soil Science, Agrometeorology, Bioresource modeling, Agricultural decision support, and Environmental risk assessment.
Prof. Nicholas Holden studied geographical and soil sciences to PhD level and then worked as an NERC research fellow (UK) and a Newman Scholar (Irl) looking at water and nutrient transport process in soils and the controlling influence of soil structure.
As a member of the biosystems engineering discipline since 1998, he teaches life cycle assessment, research and teaching methods and project modules. He has also supervised research and published extensively on bioresource management, agricultural systems and soil science.
Host by Soil and Environment Research Division