The “Journal of Mountain Science” (ISSN 1672- 6316), started in 2004, is an international English-language journal on mountain sciences. The JMS is sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and is based on the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS and distributed by Springer exclusively throughout the world (excluding Mainland China).
The Editorial Board members and reviewers are invited from different countries and regions in the world, and the JMS solicits contributions from and is distributed throughout the world. The JMS is a quarterly journal with 4 issues a year, 90 pages per issue.
The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) is devoted to mountains and their surrounding lowlands—ecoregions of particular global importance, with a particular emphasis on the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent high mountains, the Himalayas.
The publication mainly publishes academic and technical papers concerning environmental changes and sustainable development in mountain areas under natural conditions or / and with the influence of human activities. The coverage of this journal ranges widely, and generally includes interaction between mountain environmental change and human activities, degradation and restoration of mountain ecosystem, dynamics of debris flows, landslides and soil erosion in mountain areas, watershed management and development, protection on indigenous resources, cultural diversity and wealth, and investigation or standpoint in local economic or socio-cultural issues.
It particularly welcomes the papers on new concepts and new methods deriving from disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, as well as the papers raising key issues and book reviews. Papers, which emphasize the application of new technologies, such as GIS and remote sensing, in mountain research and development are especially welcome.
More information about JMS please find on our website (http://jms.imde.ac.cn/).
And now, The Journal of Mountain Science has been covered by GEOREF and Virtual Geographic Library Database GEODOK — the international indexing system in the world.

《山地学报》(Journal of Mountain Science)(ISSN 1008-2186,CN 51-1516)原名《山地研究》(Mountain Research),1998年改为现名。
《山地学报》(Journal of Mountain Science)是由中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所和中国地理学会共同主办、中国地理学会山地分会协办的山地研究领域的综合性学术刊物,1983年3月创刊,科学出版社出版。为中文核心期刊、中国自然科学核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊和中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)源刊,已入《万方数据资源系统(ChinaInfo)数字化期刊群》(http://www.chinainfo.gov.cn/periodical/),并入编《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》和《中国期刊网》。本刊被地理科学、资源科学、农业科学等多种文摘类刊物收录,曾获全国、中国科学院、四川省、中国地理学会优秀科技期刊奖。
顾 问:施雅凤 刘东生陈述彭孙鸿烈 李吉均 李文华
主 编:钟祥浩
副 主编:吴积善 艾南山 谢 洪(常务)
执行主编:谢 洪
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邮 编:610041
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