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Sino-Japan Group made Important Achievements in Research of Distribution Laws of Landslides in Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir TEXT SIZE: A A A

Researcher QIAO Jianping and his group, from Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMHE, CAS), carried out research on the formation mechanism of typical bank slopes, landslide deformation simulation experiment and landslide hazard forecast with the change of water level in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area jointly with University of Tokyo and Japan Central Development Co.Ltd, which had made some important achievements since the initiation of project in 2007. This research was supported by ‘Research on landslide hazard assessment for typical bank slopes after the Water Storage Period in the Three Gorges’, the key international cooperation project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

QIAO’s group had made a series of figures with 3D visualization for landslide hazards forecast of bank slopes after water storage, and established the monitoring system for typical landslide ground surface deformation and experiment platform for landslide simulation after water storage, and developed software for landslide early warning system, as well as built up the theory and method system for landslide hazard forecast of bank slopes, furthermore, these achievements have been better used in controlling landslide in Wanzhou region. The achievements have been integrated by monograph named Research on Landslide Hazard Forecast after water storage in Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir Area – take the bank slopes in Chongqing city Wanzhou region as an example, this monograph will be published soon.

In the respect of international cooperation, the group made full use of the superiorities of Japanese specialists in engineering simulation experiment and advanced appliance and technology, and paid more attention to the combination of modern technology, landslide simulation experiment, landslide monitoring and traditional geology research method to make the experiment more effective. During the period of cooperation, young scientific and technical personnel had been sent to University of Tokyo to learn some advanced technology of simulation experiment, and they will be able to carry out the experiment by themselves after they returned, and play an important role in successful implementation of project and follow-up personnel training.

Copyright ?2002-2008 Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS
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