A Kick-off Meeting on the project ‘Remote Sensing Survey and Evaluation on Decade’s Ecological Environment Change of Tibet Autonomous Region’ held in Lhasa co-organized by The Department of environmental protection of Tibet Autonomous Region(EPT) and Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IMHE) on 14,June.There are more than 40 participants attending the meeting from The Department of environmental protection, Department of Finance ,Development and Reform Commission, , Department of Agriculture and animal husbandry, Department of Scientific and Technology, Department of Water Resources, Forestry Bureau, Meteorology Bureau, IMHE and journalists of Tibet TV, Tibet Daily and China Environmental News.
Head of Ecology Division of EPT, Mr. Pubudanba presided over the meeting. projector leader ,Dr. Wang Xiaodan reported the project’s background, objective, mission, implement plan in details. Participants input many valuable opinions and suggestions and pointed out that the results of the project will boost ecology construction and development of ecological civilization of Tibet.
Director of IMHE, Dr. Deng Wei required the working group should play the advantage of discipline to make the project full accomplishment both in quality and quantity supporting Tibet socioeconomic development and construction of ecological security barrier
Vice director of EPT, Miss Jiangcuolamu highly praised the contributions IMHE did before in serving ecological environment protection and the economic and social development of Tibet. She emphasized that the project should collaborate closely with relevant departments of Tibet to get high quality outputs to provide scientific basis for construction of ecologic Tibet and solid ecological security barrier.