To every participants,

Workshop on Research of Ecosystem Position Observation and Network System and the 16th CERN Conference will be held on October 18-21st, 2009 in Nanjing, Jiangsu.


Ecosystem Workshop

CERN Annual Report (2008)

Location: The fourth floor of Huilian Building, Nanjing, Jiangsu


October 17th: Participants arrival and Registration at Hotel

October 18-21st: Workshop on Research of Ecosystem Position Observation and Network System and the 16th CERN Conference


The participants need to pay for their own hotel accommodation. We are glad to provide hotel reservation for all participants at two hotels:

Huilian Hotel or Hanting Hotel

Field Excursion:

Field Trip A:

October 22nd: One-day field trip from Nanjing to Wuxi and visit Taihu Station

October 23rd: Visit Lingshan Buddha and come back to Nanjing

Field Trip A:

October 22nd: One-day field trip from Nanjing to Changshu and visit Changshu Station

October 23rd: Visit Huaxi Village and come back to Nanjing


CERN Office:

Contact: Zhuang Xuliang, Yang Ping

Telephone: 01068597573 68597540 


CERN Committee:

Contact: Yu Xiubo

Telephone: 01064889820


Contact: Duan Xuejun, Qin Boqiang

Telephone: 0258688202086882192 

