
Xiaoqin LEI 




Associate professor 


No. 9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, 610041, People’s Republic of China 




THMC couplings, Poromechanics, Landslides, Material Point Method, Finite Element Method 


09/2011-09/2015 PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering, INSA-ENTPE, University of Lyon, France 

09/2010-06/2011 PhD Candidate in Road and Railway Engineering, Central South University, China 

09/2008-06/2010 MSc student in Geotechnical Engineering, Central South University, China 

09/2004-06/2008 Undergraduate student in Civil Engineering, Central South University, China 


Employment Record(including international working experience ) 

09/2019-CurrentAssociateProfessor, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

06/2018-05/2019 Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Finland

04/2016-09/2019 Assistant Professor, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Running Projects 

[1]Study on the seepage-erosion-stress coupling mechanism behind rainfall-induced failures in slopes composed of loose deposits, founded by NSFC, 2018-2020, RMB 270,000.

[2]Formation mechanism and quantitative risk assessment of large deposit landslides in southeastern Tibet under the coupled effect of preferential flow and internal erosion, founded by NSFC, 2021-2024, RMB 610,000. 

[3]Modelling of coupled multiphysics processes during the whole landslide stages, founded by IMHE, 2020-2022, RMB 1500,000. 

Academic Society Activities 










[1]Lei X, He S, Wu L. (2020). Stabilized generalized interpolation material point method for coupled hydro-mechanical problems. Computational Particle Mechanics. 

[2]Lei X, He S, Chen X, Wong H, Wu L, Liu E. (2020). A generalized interpolation material point method for modelling coupled seepage-erosion-deformation process within unsaturated soils. Advances in Water Resource, 141: 103578. 

[3]Lei X, Yang Z, He S, Liu E, Wong H, L X. (2017). Hydro-mechanical analysis of rainfall-induced fines migration process within unsaturated soils. Journal of Mountain Science, 14, 1-17. 

[4]Lei X, Yang Z., H S, Liu E, Wong H, Li X. (2017). Numerical investigation of rainfall-induced fines migration and its influences on slope stability. Acta Geotechnica, 12(6), 1431-1446. 

[5]Lei X, Wong H, Fabbri A, Bui T. A, Limam A. (2016). Some general remarks on hyperplasticity modelling and its extension to partially saturated soils. Journal of applied mathematics and physics (ZAMP), 67(3), 64. 

[6]Lei X, Wong H, Fabbri A, Limam A, Cheng Y. (2016). A chemo-elastic-plastic model for unsaturated expansive clay. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 88-89, 354-378. 

[7]Lei X, Wong H, Fabbri A, Limam A, Cheng Y. (2014). A thermo-chemo-electro-mechanical framework of unsaturated expansive clays. Computers and Geotechnics, 62, 175-192.