




Associate Professor


No. 9, Block 4, Renminnanlu Road, Chengdu, 610041, People’s Republic of China 




Alpine grasslands; Wetlands; Climatic change; Biogeosciences; Human-land relationship; Tibetan Plateau


2008-2012, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science

2003-2007, Sichuan Agricultural University, Bachelor of Science


Employment Record (including international working experience )

Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environments, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016-, Associate Prof.

Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013-2015, Post Doctor


Running Projects

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Observation and simulation of CH4 exchanges between natural ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau and the atmosphere. 2017-2020. PI

National Natural Science Foundation of China: CH4 and CO2 fluxes along a gradient of water levels in an alpine wetland in Nam Co, the Tibetan Plateau. 2014-2016. PI

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Research on CH4 exchanges across major terrestrial ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau: In situ measurement and model simulation. 2016-2017. PI

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: How the alpine Kobresia littledalei wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau will feedback to the climatic warming? 2015-2016. PI


Academic Society Activities

China Tibetan Plateau Society

American Geophysical Union



Scientific and Technological Award (the First Prize), Tibetan Autonomous Region, 2018

Honor Post Doctor, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015

Honor Student, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010

Honor Student, Sichuan Agricultural University, 2003-2007



Da Wei, Tingting Li, Xiaodan Wang* (2019) Overestimation of China’s marshland CH4 release. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.14679. 

Da Wei and Xiaodan Wang* (2017c) Recent climatic changes and wetland expansion turned Tibet to a net CH4 source. Climatic Change, 144: 657-670.  

Da Wei and Xiaodan Wang* (2017b) Uncertainty and dynamics of natural wetland CH4 release in China. Atmospheric Environment, 154: 95-105. 

Da Wei, XK Zhang, XD Wang* (2017a) Strengthening hydrological regulation of China's wetland greenness under a warmer climate. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 144: 657-670.  

Da Wei and Xiaodan Wang* (2016) CH4 exchanges of the natural ecosystems in China during the past three decades. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 121(9): 2445-2463.  

Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen et al. (2015b) Revisiting the role of CH4 emissions from alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from two in situ measurements at 4758 and 4320 m, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 120(9): 1741-1750.  

Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen, Yuesi Wang, Yinghong Wang (2015a) Considerable CH4 uptake by alpine grasslands despite the cold climate: in situ measurements on the central Tibetan Plateau, 20082013. Global Change Biology, 21, 777-788. 

Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Liu Yongwen et al. (2014) Three-year study of CO2 efflux and CH4/N2O fluxes at an alpine steppe site and their responses to simulated N deposition. Geoderma, 232-234: 88-96.  

Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Yinghong Wang et al. (2012) Responses of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to livestock exclosure in an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Plant and Soil, 359: 45-55.  

Yan FP, Mika S, SC Kang, KS Aho, B Qu, Da Wei, Xiaofei Li, Chaoliu Li, Peter A. Raymond (2018) Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau as conduits of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 123 (7): 2091-2103. 

Chen XP, GX Wang*, T Zhang, TX Mao, Da Wei, Zhaoyong Hu, and Chunlin Song (2017b) Effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on GHG flux in the permafrost region of an alpine meadow. Atmospheric Environment, 157: 111-124.  

Chen XP, GX Wang*, T Zhang, TX Mao, Da Wei, Zhaoyong Hu, and Chunlin Song. (2017a) Effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on GHG flux in an alpine swamp meadow of a permafrost region. Science of the Total Environment, 8:1389-1399.  

Yongwen Liu, Xu-Ri*, Xingliang Xu, Da Wei, Yinghong Wang, Yuesi Wang (2013) Plant and soil responses of an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau to multi-level nitrogen addition. Plant and Soil, 373(1-2): 515-522.